Great Japanese inventor Yoshiro Nakamatsu

We are preparing to tell you another true story that can prove that it is not a story to eat Japanese. This story is about an inventor named Yoshiro Nakamatsu,…

8 Reasons why a person going to Japan should stop in Japan

Ever since we were little, we had an idea of ​​what kind of country Japan is, or not. Especially because of TV dramas like Oshin, we got an idea of…

Story of Persistence of Soichiro Honda

Soichiro Honda Childhood A boy was born in Japan in 1906. Due to poverty, he did not get to go to school, so at the age of 15, he went…

Kuwait & Japan plan to build 3mn barrel oil reserve for Southeast Asia

Japan and Kuwait will make a joint oil hold for eager for energy Southeast Asia, which needs adequate cushions against oil gracefully shakiness. Japan’s Agency for Natural Resources and Energy…